FAIRDOM /SEEK training for Digital Life Norway

Managing your data and metadata well is an important research skill. Good data management enables the preparation, handling, storing, sharing, and reuse of data. These attributes of good data management equates to efficient research and saving of time and resources. Data management tools, utilizing data standards and best practices can help to make your research data and models FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

SEEK, is a web-based (or locally installed) resource platform for managing and sharing scientific research datasets and models in your project and with the community after publication. It is based on the ISA format; Investigation, Study, Assay and is flexible in terms of the type of data stored. You can point to local data storage while keeping the metadata or smaller derived data sets in SEEK.

The session will cover general use of SEEK, RightField, an open-source tool for adding ontology to Excel spreadsheets and using the SEEK API.

NeLS (Norwegian e-infrastructure for Life Sciences), is an ELIXIR Norway run infrastructure to provide Norwegian life scientists and their collaborators access to storage, data sharing and analysis tools. NeLS connects to the national data storage platform NorStore, allowing long term storage. NeLS is integrated with Galaxy, an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological research that allows computational workflows to be set up and used, without the need of programming skills.

The session will provide an introduction and overview of NeLS and overview of relevant resources and help provided by ELIXIR Norway.

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/events/200

Projects: FAIRDOM, FAIRDOM user meeting

Olga Krebs

6th Nov 2019 at 11:46

7th Nov 2019 at 11:46


Not specified



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