Data files

What is a Data file?
5 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 5

An example of a blank data sheet for Mass spectrometry data. This is not SysMO specific, but it is an example of MIAPE compliant data.

The shreadsheet contains macros to help you annotate your data with terms from controlled vocabularies and ontologies

MIAPE based Gel Electrophoresis Data Entry Worksheet

This is an Excel template for Mass Spec data that contains all the necessary MIAPE metadata fields. It was derived from examples on the PRIDE website (PRoteomics IDEntifications database

An example of a completed data sheet for Mass spectrometry data. This is not SysMO specific, but it is an example of a MIAPE compliant data format taken from the PRIDE website (

This template is a JERM compliant spreadsheet for use with gel electrophoresis data. It is in the style of the JERM MASTER template with worksheets for metadata, organism_sample, instrument and data. To conform to MIAPE-GE all worksheets are mandatory. A detailed description of MIAPE-GE is available from

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