
What is a Study?
2 Studies visible to you, out of a total of 2

Lauren Baugh, Brittany A. Goods, Juan S. Gnecco, Yunbeen Bae, Michael Retchin, Constantine N. Tzouanas, Megan Loring, Keith Isaacson, Alex K. Shalek, Douglas Lauffenburger, Linda Griffith

Endometriosis is a debilitating gynecological disorder affecting approximately 10% of the female population. Despite its prevalence, robust methods to classify and treat endometriosis remain elusive. Changes ...

Juan S. Gnecco, Alexander Brown, Kira Buttrey, Clara Ives, Brittany A. Goods, Lauren Baugh, Victor Hernandez-Gordillo, Megan Loring, Keith Isaacson, Linda G. Griffith

The human endometrium undergoes recurring cycles of growth, differentiation, and breakdown in response to sex hormones. Dysregulation of epithelial-stromal communication during hormone cycles is linked to myriad gynecological disorders for which treatments ...

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