
What is a Model?
93 Models visible to you, out of a total of 109

3D structure prediction of LDH enzymes from four LAB by comparative modeling against x-ray structure of LDH from B. stearothermophilis (template, PDB ID: 1LDN). The computation was performed with a protocol that uses "automodel.very_fast" settings of Modeller program (

Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit

Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit

Comparison of electrostatic potentials within the allosteric binding sites of LDH enzymes to estimate the binding affinity of the FBP molecule is performed with the PIPSA program. The program uses the structure of enzymes in the PDB format and computed electrostatic potentials in the GRD format.

Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit

Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit

Computation is performed for the modeled 3D structures of LDH enzymes (in PDB format) with the UHBD program, for pH 6 and pH 7.

Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit

Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit

Binding energies of phosphate ions to the allosteric and catalytic sites were estimated with a program GRID ( The calculations were performed for the modeled LDH structures from four LABs, at pH 6 and 7, in presence and absence of the FBP molecule. The phosphate ion was presented as a probe.

Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit

Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit

In order to estimate whether Pi has an activatory or an inhibitory effect on the enzymes, the computed probe binding energies (from GRID results, Part 4) were compared with those for the LDH from L. plantarum whose activity is known to be unaffected by Pi.

The binding energies of the Pi probe in the allosteric binding site (AS) and the COO probe in the catalytic binding site (CS) of LDH from L. plantarum were defined as E¬AS,threshold and ECS,threshold, respectively. For the other LDH enzymes, ...

Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit

Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit

The zip file contains two executable Matlab functions.

File named 'fnct_gen_tfcompmod.m' generates a Simbiology model based on the following interactions: R + X <-> RX -> R + X + Px R + Y <-> RY -> R + Y + Py R + Z <-> RZ -> R + Z + Pz Y + Pz -> Pz Px -> Py -> Pz ->

We assume much higher reaction speeds of sigma factor RNApol binding/unbinding compared to protein expression. Protein expression can therefore be represented by Michaelis-Menten like kinetic ...

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

The model describes the catabolism of Escherichia coli and its regulation. The metabolic reactions are modeled by the thermokinetic model formalism. The model is simplified by assuming rapid equilibrium of many reactions. Regulation is modeled by phenomenological laws describing the activation or repression of enzymes and genes in dependence of metabolic signals. The model is intended to describe the behavior of E. coli in a chemostat culture in depedence on the oxygen supply.

The model is described ...

Creators: Michael Ederer, David Knies

Submitter: Michael Ederer

Structural models of the LAB PYKs of L. lactis, L. plantarum, S. pyogenes and E. faecalis including the "best" docking solutions of potential allosteric ligands. The structures were derived by homology modeling based on the template of E. coli and B. stearothermophilus. PYK models and ligands are provided as .pdb files and can be displayed by using the program PyMOL, for instance.

Creators: Nadine Veith, Anna Feldman-Salit, Stefan Henrich, Rebecca Wade

Submitter: Nadine Veith

Model of reconstituted gluconeogenesis system in S. solfataricus based on the individual kinetic models for PGK, GAPDH, TPI, FBPAase.

Creator: Jacky Snoep

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Exponential decay model of gluconeogenic intermediates

Creator: Jacky Snoep

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Mathematical model for TPI kinetics, GAP and DHAP saturation, and inhibition with 3PG and PEP.

Creator: Jacky Snoep

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Mathematical model for GAPDH kinetics, BPG, NADPH, NADP, GAP and Pi saturation.

Creator: Jacky Snoep

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Mathematical model for FBPAase kinetics, saturation with DHAP and GAP

Creator: Jacky Snoep

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Mathematical model for PGK kinetics, ADP, ATP, 3PG and BPG saturation.

Creator: Jacky Snoep

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

SBML models without activity of the glycolytic enzymes in the cytosol:

Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_1a.xml Model 1a Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_1b.xml Model 1b Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_2.xml Model 2 Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_3.xml Model 3 Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_4.xml Model 4 Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_5.xml Model 5 Glycolysis_noActivityInCytosol_6.xml Model 6

SBML models with activity of the glycolytic enzymes in the cytosol:

Glycolysis_withActivityInCytosol_1a.xm Model ...

Creator: Fiona Achcar

Submitter: Fiona Achcar

This ordinary-differential equation model is a spatially lumped model showing the behaviour of oxygen in the three compartments medium, membrane and cytoplasm and its impact on FNR inactivation, hereby showing the effects of different oxygen concentrations, diffusion coefficients and reaction rates. The model was created with the Matlab SimBiology toolbox.

Creator: Samantha Nolan

Submitter: David Knies

This partial-differential equations model focuses on the oxygen gradients in consideration of the three-dimensional cell and environment.

Creator: Samantha Nolan

Submitter: David Knies

Code for joint probabilistic inference of transcription factor behaviour and gene-transcription factor as well as metabolite-transcription factor interaction based on genome and metabolite data.

Creators: Botond Cseke, Guido Sanguinetti

Submitter: Botond Cseke

The model presents the response of E.coli to different levels of oxygen supply, in which the oxidases, Cyo and Cyd, and their regulators, FNR and ArcBA systems, are included. The initial file 0.xml and supporting documents are for the model with FNR only. Four 0.xml files provided are at AAU level 31, 85, 115 and 217 respectively. The ArcBA system can be activated by revising the number of agents, ArcB, ArcA dimer, ArcA monomer, ArcA tetramer and ArcA octamer, in the initial file. The model needs ...

Creator: Hao Bai

Submitter: Hao Bai

only lacZ synthesis reduced by inhibitor in BSA115

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

The model file represents the expression of beta-gal from a sigB dependent promoter after sigb production was stimulated by IPTG. The model is based on an assumption that a hypothetical protein degrates the sigb factor.

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

This is a JWS model of the successful model for data representation. It realises regulation by a hypothetical sigB dependent protein that degrades beta-Gal.

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

The model represents a hypothetical situation in which an anti-sigmafactor reduces sigB efficacy.

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

The zip folder contains files that allow simulation of stressosome dynamics. The models are based on a cellular automaton approach. Each protein of RsbR and RsbS is located in the crystal structure of the stressosome. The proteins can be phosphorylated or not and these states determine the future of neighbouring proteins. To simulate the model open the file 'liebal_stressosome-model_12_workflow-matlab.m' in Matlab. It is written in the cell-model, put the cursor into a cell that you wish to ...

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

Bayesian model for inference of the activity of transcription factors from targets' mRNA levels. A standalone C sharp package (runs on linux and mac under MONO).

Creator: Guido Sanguinetti

Submitter: Guido Sanguinetti

This model assumes a phenotypic switch between an acid- and solvent-forming population caused by the changing pH levels. The two phenotypes differ in their transcriptomic, proteomic, and ,thus, their metabolomic profile. Because the growth rates of these phenotypes depends on the extracellular pH, the initiation of the pH-shift results in a significant decline of the acidogenic population. Simultaneously, the solvent-forming population rises and establishes an new steady state.

The model is build ...

Creators: Thomas Millat, Graeme Thorn, Olaf Wolkenhauer, John King

Submitter: Thomas Millat

The fitted function describes the pH-drop during 'forward'-shift experiments and the increase of the pH during 'reverse'-shift experiments. The estimated parameters are used to compute the changing pH level in the models of the pH.induced metabolic shift in continuous cultures under phosphate limitation of C. acetobutylicum. Furthermore, the parameters can be applied to join different independent experiments into a single data set.

To fit the changing pH level, an exponential function and a ...

Creator: Thomas Millat

Submitter: Thomas Millat

First darft of a model including glycolysis and the transcription and translation of the enzymes. See the datafile "Information on the darft transcription/translation model." for information.

Creator: Fiona Achcar

Submitter: Fiona Achcar

Using optical tweezers to position yeast cells in a microfluidic chamber, we were able to observe sustained oscillations in individual isolated cells. Using a detailed kinetic model for the cellular reactions, we simulated the heterogeneity in the response of the individual cells, assuming small differences in a single internal parameter. By operating at two different flow rates per experiment, we observe four of categories of cell behaviour. The present model (gustavsson4) predicts the steady-state ...

Creators: Franco du Preez, Jacky Snoep, Dawie van Niekerk

Submitter: Franco du Preez

The model includes glycolysis, pentosephosphate pathway, purine salvage reactions, purine de novo synthesis, redox balance and biomass growth. The network balances adenylate pool as opened moiety.

Creator: Maksim Zakhartsev

Submitter: Maksim Zakhartsev

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