
What is a Study?
8 Studies visible to you, out of a total of 73

Sequence data for European Nucleotide Archive (ENA )

Metabolomics data a for Metabolight DB

Submitter: Olga Krebs

Investigation: MESI-STRAT data for submission into public re...

Assays: No Assays

Proteomics data for PRIDE, UniProt and others

Submitter: Olga Krebs

Investigation: MESI-STRAT data for submission into public re...

Assays: No Assays

Chemical named entity recognition (NER) is a significant pre-processing task in natural language processing. Identification and extraction of chemical entities from biomedical literature and entities linking to the knowledge base are essential steps for the chemical text-mining pipeline. However, the identification of chemical entities in a biomedical text is a challenging task due to the diverse morphology of chemical entities and the different types of chemical nomenclature. In this work, we ...

Here you will find guidelines for creating MAGE-TAB compliant transcriptomics data files as well as examples and links to online tools and resources.

we describe a multi-compartmental model consisting of a mesophyll cell with plastid and mitochondrion, a phloem cell, as well as a root cell with mitochondrion. In this model, the phloem was considered as a non-growing transport compartment, the mesophyll compartment was considered as both autotrophic (growing on CO2 under light) and heterotrophic (growing on starch in darkness), and the root was always considered as heterotrophic tissue completely dependent on sucrose supply from the mesophyll ...

These templates can be used for a selection of metabolomics data types. There is a MASTER template for general use and adaptation as well as several more specific templates for particular types of experiment (e.g. HPLC), or specific assay types (e.g glucose pulse)

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